Endowment Fund

Realizing dreams for FUMC Los Alamos. . .futre

Many of us have dreams for our church. Some have visions for youth programs or local outreach ministries. For others, the dream might include provisions for church building maintenance or an expansion of the church’s music program.  In most churches, the interest is there, but funds are limited. Planned gifts can help make these dreams a reality by providing the necessary financial resources. FUMC-LA is creating an Endowment Fund that will help make these dreams a reality.

 What is an endowment? Many organizations—universities and foundations, for example—create endowment funds where supporters can donate funds that will keep on growing. The donations and gifts are invested, and the endowment fund invests only the investment revenue (interest, dividends, etc.). It is not unusual for churches also to establish endowment funds so that members’ and supporters’ gifts keep on giving, long past the donors’ lifetimes.

Can I give now, or can I include FUMC in my estate planning?  A planned gift to our church is a financial gift structured to serve the needs of the church as well as the giver. The gift may take the form of an outright gift during your lifetime, a bequest through your will or other estate plan, a trust, or a life income gift.  These gifts usually come from accumulated assets such as personal property, real estate, stocks, bonds, life insurance policies, cash, or other assets of tangible value. Often these gifts can be structured to take advantage of allowable income and estate tax incentives.

Why is my gift important?  First, your gift of whatever size enhances the ministry of FUMC and provides funds that supplement the finances available to the church. These funds are in addition to those received for the general operating budget. Your gift may provide ministries or programs that otherwise would not be possible. Secondly, your generosity provides a feeling of satisfaction in knowing you have included your church in your personal financial plan. You can give back to God a portion of the gifts that have blessed your life. The gift planning process is both an act of stewardship and a step of faith in our spiritual journey as we continue to reflect Christ’s love and to trust in the abundance of God’s grace.

The FUMC Endowment Fund can open specific sub-funds, and additional funds can be established when needed or approved. Examples of funds are:

  • Mission/Outreach Endowment Fund
  • Building & Property Maintenance Endowment Fund
  • Scholarship Endowment Fund
  • Youth & Children Ministries Endowment Fund
  • Worship Arts Ministry Endowment Fund
  • Undesignated Fund

What kind of gifts can I make?  <click here for more info>

How will the FUMC Endowment Fund Operate?  <click here for more info>