Ark Staff

Contact Us:     Phone: (505) 662-4822

Ark Director, Leigha Oliver – ext. 105

Assistant Ark Director, Jennifer Hopkins – ext. 106

Bookkeeper,  Paromeeta Nag – ext. 104

Ark Board Members: Leigha Oliver, Ark Director; Valerie Collins; Carol Mead

Ex officio members:  Rev. John W. Nash, FUMC Pastor; Jen Hopkins, Assistant Ark Director; Phillip Ortega Director of Faith Development; Paromeeta Nag, Bookkeeper.

Generally, staff members are experienced early childhood educators.  All staff participates in a continuous program of in-service education and studies for professional advancement in order to remain alert to the ever-changing needs of today’s families and to current research in early childhood education.

Our Location:

715 Diamond Drive  Los Alamos, NM 87544

Behind the “Lemon Lot” and adjacent to “Sullivan Field”