Mission Spotlight – Aaron’s Kids Lunch Ministry

August 29, 2012 No Comments

FUMC Touches Local Teens Through

“Aaron’s Kids” Lunch Ministry


Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?’…And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:37,40

Last year, after learning from school officials that some of the teens in our high school were going without lunch because they were unable to buy or bring their own lunches from home, Jim Little spearheaded a new program providing sack lunches to these kids. Last school year, FUMC provided over 200 lunches through the high school.

This summer we provided about 90 lunches through the teen center and kids activity center.  We are starting our 2nd year of the program providing sack lunches to kids unable to buy or bring there own from home and have given this program a name, “Aaron’s Kids”.

We are looking to expand this program to help kids at the middle school.  Jim Little has contacted the 7th grade middle school counselor about the need for food supplements for those children and learned that indeed they need the program at that school.The assistant principal of the middle school is making an initial assessment as to the size of the need. The elementary schools have programs that provide meals to needy kids but not the middle school or high school.

The UMC Conference provides grants for select outreach projects so Jim Little wrote a grant request for “Aaron’s Kids” earlier this year. The great news is that Aaron’s Kids Outreach Ministry has been awarded a $1,700 grant and this month we received a check for half of that grant. The other half will be sent next January.  With these additional funds FUMC will be able to serve teens in the middle school, as well.

At the all-church missions potluck September 16, there will be a donation basket where the proceeds will go to benefit Aaron’s Kids. 

If you would like to become more actively involved in the Aaron’s Kids Lunch Ministry speak with Jim Little or email him at mlittlegal@aol.com

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